Monday, 31 December 2012

NEW YEAR, for whom what
For my two young friend it is a promise to live and to think for a day only.I ask one to write daily journal, he replied it is a bad habit. Just think for a day and do not repent.Another told he took drink imagining it as liquid food and both performed dance in the  hotel.

Sunday, 30 December 2012

She died after struggling with pain, death, darkness, thoughts, dreams.But, can any conscious citizen of this country can forget her? I think let human society wait for the proper justice of this heinous crime. I personally thanks to the media to highlight the situation.The Sunday issue of Indian express has focused the point.The writing of  Ravi Shankar[It's her War],Shampa Dhar-Kamath[A letter of apology to Indian Youth]  have focused to the points what are enough to change the thought process of we people.Now when a woman go out from her safest place, that may be her home, working place, hostel, she has to think so many things  relating to her security herself and this should be.She is enough to make a plan herself.So, let us welcome a new rising, new thought for safety, security  of the 50% of human resources for their active participation in the development process of our country.

Sarojini Pattayat.

Monday, 24 December 2012

Life is something like dream. To fulfill the dream time management is necessary. You have to be conscious for this. Otherwise you can not do anything at right time.We are in this world to do something at least to satisfy own heart. Write anything  daily what will give you a flash of inspiration later.Writing is a good too to relax and to have ample point to live.

Let's go to a land
where we can cultivate dream
to find a amazing way to live.
Let's do some good work
for society and home to
fulfill the expectation
what each one want for us.
We may not satisfy all
but, a beautiful start can
help us to touch the point
where we can get something
as per the God's grace.
We have not come here
to live for ages.
So, what is the harm to tell some thing sweet
to each one around us.

Friday, 21 December 2012

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

1. Long que...
people talking
on whole world.

2. Long step...
the old beggar sleep
at the end of step.

3.Winter cold...
sun ray is high
in  this year.

4. News in air...
asteroid colsing
to the earth



All news paper are highlighting the issue of brutal rape in bus at Delhi to a paramedical student[23years] who was traveling on18.12.12 in the bus with her boy friend.
It is actually a sensitive news. In Odisha also a news came about rape by a young man to a 10t class girl student in a paddy field at Chandikhole.
But it is a fact that people raise their voice for some time then forget everything.Nobody think what is the reason and why these things are happening. Whether we need moral education, whether we will follow all stuff of medieval India like parda etc to make woman safe or allow free sex to satisfy the brutal urge of human being. All these thing need discussion.Now religion is not playing its role to safeguard the animal in man. All more or less know that the thing written in religion is less important in their life. They also think it is their first and last birth.So they follow what their mind say at that point of time.
Without proper training mind can not be controlled.The training should be scientific and should have  point wise answer to attract young mass.

This piece of writing has been published in mail of 'Indian Express' on 25th december,2012. under heading 'Stop Brutality' with a little change.

Sunday, 9 December 2012

Tapping bird...
smile blooms
on mother's face.

Friday, 7 December 2012


Life is nothing but to learn each moment to face the reality.Reading should be given more priority for knowledge.To read people around is also important. We can not think all people are good or bad. When a man change his face nobody knows.So before believing somebody ask question to your inner being.Sense of pride is good.It many time help to avoid unwanted people.

The chirps

 Listened the chirps of morning birds, waked up, life seemed easy... Life of a writer is not  easy. Writing is hard. Self doubts will make y...