Saturday, 30 November 2024

The song of life

 The city waked up with news of cyclone in south . The news of heavy rainfall there created the images of broken trees and houses along with the sad problems of people and animals living there. God is everywhere. But why did such things happen. Is this the people's fault,or this happens in this earth from time immemorial. This happens. This is one of the devine rule made for this earth where illusion prevails. The dwellers of earth endure changing seasons, atmosphere, climates, sadness, happiness, good moments, bad moments. And these are all devine rules. Life is just a journey. 

So, the arguments of my mind taught me today to think and endure evening with love and respect to almighty God. It will definitely add energy to face each and every problem .

The cloudy sky 

Not atall unbearable 

As clouds ⛅️ gift rain

For animals and trees 🌳 

Of this beautiful world 

To survive. 

Happy writing ✍️ 

The chirps

 Listened the chirps of morning birds, waked up, life seemed easy... Life of a writer is not  easy. Writing is hard. Self doubts will make y...