Changing places becomes the part of life...
It is automatic,
from one corner to another...
In home,
In office,
In the city,
In the world.
Life gives
surprises to live and experience.
Changing places becomes the part of life...
It is automatic,
from one corner to another...
In home,
In office,
In the city,
In the world.
Life gives
surprises to live and experience.
Leave it....
the depressing thoughts,
the painful truth,
the far behind dreams,
all are well around,
the paupers,
the billionaires,
the escapists,
whole world has yet the aroma
to feel good & feel peace.
Sun at its height
Name, fame at each step
Sun took a long sigh
As steps to go down appeared.
One, Two, three...
"Yes, a circle of movement", sun said;
Took a jump,
With joy, and colours went away,
To return again and again.
The night before the working day always hard... Even thinking of it envelops my weekends, and my holidays with grims, why? I never tried t...