Thursday, 13 December 2018

Here's how I chose my word for 2019.
I thought about what will actually matter when I'm 80.
  • my relationship with my Baba
  • my relationship with my family
  • my physical health
  • my writing
The problem is that as I am in a day job , I sometimes struggle to make the right room for these things.
 I'm not  very project focused and check things from my list.
That I should take care. I should be project focused and complete them one by one.
So here's my plan for the year .
I'm going to work at making space.
I'll keep getting up at 5 AM, but I'll avoid the computer until I've exercised, listen Murli  and meditate.
Evening Routine
I'll keep working like tidying my desk and filling out the next day's to do list.Give time to my two children.
I'll continue to avoid face book etc. so that I can spend my limited work time doing what really matters ...

Tuesday, 13 November 2018

I think for me to see the time constantly moving is a depressing thing. Work, eat, travel, enjoy whatever may come should be the life. Thinking about it often is rather boring. Be good from the heart and spread peace and smile will work more to support you to feel live in the journey.

Friday, 10 August 2018


It was not his ominous desire to bring hazard in my path. It was I, chose it to happen.
It was the darkness, devoured everything, even the shadow of my pet cat . Now under the drizzle I was among all broken dreams to rebuild the castle for the Prince of Heaven. I startled first, took a tip of earth there,inhaled the smell of air, discovered unhealthy particles and looked at his eyes. Can I again help the country to chirp and experience the aroma of lotus?

Why not? His expressive eyes were replying.
 He was in meditation I thought. I looked towards the horizon where the devil just went away from his eyes destroying everything.
I tried to make a plan. I got my long lost pencil of copper age. It was not sharp, still I found it full of hope.
The atmosphere was dusty. He was silent. He was in meditation. I brought the half broken slate not far away from me. It was not empty. The child who was alive before some hour was inside the ground somewhere with all dreams and sketches of life. Over the slate there was a drawing of a half erased house.
"Peaceful", I thought.
 The feeling of home that was perished in my heart emerged with the desires to pause a little.
Can we again rebuild?
I put the broken pencil in my pocket and with a broken brick tried to make the drawing visible. I wished it to help him for his remaking plan. Sometime wishes become real. I put the slate before him and turned to return back to my own earth.

 The night sky in between the clouds and rain was the fairy land with diamonds everywhere. I was flying to my home land leaving the Prince who had kidnapped me to the shortly half bombarded earth. Of course I had no reason to remember him. His act was not pious and to forget him was the only escape from his thought. But, his last appeal to rebuild his earth was deeper in my heart.

How could I help to a soul I was hating. ..
Just I wanted to forget. The orange yellow my earth was gleaming not so far.
I spread my tired wings to reach  home.

Thursday, 5 July 2018

Time for your hobby

In my opinion time is there with you always to use it properly and with certain discipline. But your own thinking show you about the scarcity of time.
To check this each day you should do little meditation and concentrate on what you want to do. Proper planning also help you to achieve your goal. Most important is your joy doing your work.

Be an achiever not a dreamer.


Thursday, 21 June 2018

in a hurry i sent my manuscript to three publisher and waiting...

happy life

Monday, 23 April 2018


He wants a better facility, a better life as he is struggling hard. Humiliation in any sense is intolerable. To be a gentle man and to lead a better life needs enough money.
I know he will get better facility as per his luck. He has already faced difficult situations in the life as i was not intelligent to care him. Now i wish to be a good mother and truly, I am now a good mother. You should believe it. I am a good officer as well as a good mother. I am trying to balance my life , my money and my relationship. He knows well about my care and he feels it very well. Now it is my time to help him destroying my own anger. I am his prestige, I know it well. Each mother should also know it. As a mother of grown up children it is my duty to think about them and also care my words and behaviour towards them. Last day he annoyed with my words. It was not serious, still he annoyed. He wants respect and he wants we should listen him with patient. He is no more a child who I could avoid. He is the future and present. I should remember it.
The news of the bill to give death to the rapist, I welcome it, I think it a great step for the government. However, it may increase rape and death case. In future people will murder the victim after rape. It disturbed me a lot.
The woman should take care of this thing more and think about her safety first in each situation of life journey.”

In this passing evening, I am now practicing writing to make words flow like a torrent. It is necessary for a writer to write at least five hundred words to satisfy his passion. It is not easy to be a professional. A professional writes daily to make the art sharper to use in some of his project. It is necessary. I have read many things to write better. But, till date did not use it. Reading how to write is not enough. To practice is more important. Writing anything is good. It will add your stock. Write anything what is happening around you. Writing daily, a passage will help to be a professional writer. Today weather is good. It is early summer. The roadside trees are laden with beautiful flowers of yellow, red and purple colours. The surrounding looks better and are inspiring for creativity. I am expecting a cool rain to add the happiness. The floating clouds and the chirps of birds are mantra for walking ahead. How can a man forget nature? It is better to live with nature and have respect towards it. If nature will remain, civilisation will grow and earth will support our existence. We should not forget it, the care of nature. Our villages are in the lap of nature. If you will go to our countryside, you will feel it. In the night sky you can see the clear gleaming star and enjoy the verses looking at the moon. You can observe the behaviours of animals, birds, even insects in the countryside. Plan a trip to your own village to look the nature closely and mix with the villager, how they are enjoying simple life.

It is the truth of life.

The chirps

 Listened the chirps of morning birds, waked up, life seemed easy... Life of a writer is not  easy. Writing is hard. Self doubts will make y...