Saturday, 28 October 2017

The free writing
It is certainly not the time to write, but to plant the seed of words for future cheers. In my opinion, writing is the hardest when you did not step into it. Once you put your words, it will flow like a stream with unusual amounts of water what you edit later and keep your writing wonderful.
The aim may not be always publishing, but you can enjoy writing and gift yourself.
In my office chamber, after reading a lot my mind took little rest to warm up. While closing my eyes I felt the air journey to Punchgani and could visualize and feel the hour. It was marvelous. I thought myself in the plane and passing through the clouds and looking the green earth from the window. I could visualize and that made me happy. Thus, I could feel happiness through writing and it is the positive vibrations to make me practice the free writing. In addition, I thought about how a charted accountant or a company secretary prepared their documents, and within some days prepared a book of accounts to put before the board of directors to discuss and took decisions of the company. Writing is nothing, but accumulations of information and stories, first to satisfy the writer and then to the reader. Therefore, writing is good for everybody, writer or not he may be. It is the way to destroy the monotonous life style and it is a medium to talk with your own self. Criticizing other is easy. But, talking and criticizing yourself is a tough task, no doubt.
The day will come and day will go. But, for a person who writes, passing of the day without any writing is painful. It is painful, because lamenting over ‘not writing’ continues in spite of your own excuses. Therefore, it is better to write anything and everything daily in whatever time you have. Reading how to write or to be jealous about the progress of your fellow writer can never bring any satisfactory results. Working in your writing place with a computer or simply with pen-paper will satisfy your ego of writing. Otherwise pathetic can be your life if you wish to be a writer. A simple step for writing a letter to any closer one can help you to pass on the depressing zone of writer’s block. It is better in comparison to gazing at the blank screen or crying over the blank paper.

So, please write.
This is the nectar you have in this earth to survive.

Tuesday, 3 October 2017

Golden image

The morning sky was cloudy with occasional drizzle. It can be endured, less cold, not harmful. Over the table lays a journal and beside it a hot cup of coffee, not bad.

Mayuri walking inside her home. It is necessary.

She now goes to the table sip tea. Her eyes have different images, the images of past, present and future. She now sits comfortably and put her running thoughts over the taste of tea. She looks at the tea cup. She remembered, she had brought it from Panchgani, Moharashtra, when she was there for an official training.Ah! what were those days. She was independent of all her burdens to learn and move like a school girl.She finished her tea, wrote to-do-list in her daily journal and prepared breakfast in the kitchen. Still clouds were there to make her feel-bad.

-"Okay, clouds, stop there and recite your best gloomy poetry. I am not going to encourage you by my clapping. I am also not interested to make you go away like 'rain, rain go away, come again another day.'I am not going to do anything to you. I am enjoying my work."

She listened her favorite chirps. She came out of the kitchen. Her favorite tiny brown birds were over the tin roof tapping. Golden sunshine was reflecting over their wings. A dragonfly was flying there with golden beauty.

OMG, golden image! she shouted.

Monaranjan, her husband awake, came with his blurry eyes and shouted back -" Are you a mad?"

Mayuri was now silent. Monaranjan again went back to the bedroom and dived into his own dream.

©  Sarojini Pattayat

The chirps

 Listened the chirps of morning birds, waked up, life seemed easy... Life of a writer is not  easy. Writing is hard. Self doubts will make y...