Friday, 30 June 2017

to be a writer.
read more to learn the art.

Friday, 23 June 2017

Just now ·

'ଗୁଡି' ର କଭର ଡିଜାଇନ ହୋଇଗଲା
completed the cover design of 'Gudi'

Tuesday, 20 June 2017

Monday, 19 June 2017

Saturday, 17 June 2017


Anjali returned from her office. It was a busy day. She went to her little kitchen. Thought a little and prepared a cup of black coffee. Tarun danced in her mind. She thought how Tarun taught her to prepare black coffee. How the days of university passed really. She smiled a little. She went to her little courtyard. The sky was getting dark. Stars were showing their presence with their glittering light. Anjali tried to find out the star in whose lap she could discover her father's face. She wanted to cry. She couldn't. Because she is a responsible practical human being. She know death is a truth. She know friend comes and goes away. She herself, is also not a static one. She is changing. With a sigh she took her empty cup and went into her drawing room to see the daily news. She switched on the tv. She has to face the reality.

Anjali entered into her little chamber. It was cool but full of work pressure. She looked at the rack that was standing comfortably with burden of files. She put a glance at the wall clock and planned to complete the work. She rang the calling bell. Her orderly hastily entered.
- Ramalu, bring all the files to my table. I want to dispose them now.
-Okay madam.

Ramalu put all files on the table and went away.
Anjali opened one file. It was about the sanction of pension of one Sri Dipak Mohanty, retired from service on 31st December 1999. Due to a misappropriation case his pension was held up. And now after so many years, it was found that he is not really involved. With a sigh, Anjali put her signature on the documents to send them to the office of Accountant General. She cleared all files , called Ramalu and send them to respective branch of her office.
She wanted to thought about Sri Mohanty. What type of humiliation that person might not have faced till date to prove himself guilty free? Can't it be stopped? For someone's mischievous deed good people suffers more. This is called fate in our land. Good or bad, she promised to clear files each day to run with the time, as time is the Important factor for life.

Tuesday, 13 June 2017

my poetry

one after another
with rhythm,
with good amounts of tear,
with glossy smile,
they appeared and immersed,
leaving their footprints here for your enjoyments.

it is happening
from ages,
and they are valueless.
can you ever purchase a smile
a drop of tear!
never, I swear.
So, they appear and become my friend ever.

Thursday, 8 June 2017

time gallops...
no one can stop it.
let us walk with the time,
time is the precious of everything.

Wednesday, 7 June 2017

I wish fairies to knock my wooden door
write my books.

Friday, 2 June 2017

My little courtyard is full of sunshine.
And the breeze is cool, poetic, touching the soul.
I know You are somewhere around.
That's why everything seems in harmony.
I am enjoying the moment.
But what for You go away and vanish for days together.
Whether it is to make Yourself more important! !!
I always think You as most important, lovable.
Be with me.

The chirps

 Listened the chirps of morning birds, waked up, life seemed easy... Life of a writer is not  easy. Writing is hard. Self doubts will make y...