Wednesday, 26 April 2017

~poetry month~

poetry month
nature is composing verses
in cuckoo's coo

Tuesday, 25 April 2017

Seed of war

They devour for
May it be war or stock exchange,
They plant it.
' cause,
They are keen to be immortal,
In history,
In parable,
In myth....
In the technology,scientific and logic.
What about the people,who toils in sweats and blood??
Their fate dangle in the hand of unseen in a dark corner.

Sarojini Pattayat

Monday, 24 April 2017

The chirps

is gliding through the koyel's coo,
and of course aroma of jasmine all over,
In my dream also.

My blurring eyes did not miss the coolness of season passing by with hot glare.
Under the slanting sun brown bird was collecting gooseberry sticks to knit its nest.

Compassion everywhere I felt in my tiny heart:
Can I ever  deny nature's heal?
It's eternal to support life in each season and stage.

I glared at the sky with tears of love.

Saturday, 22 April 2017


In the end of this road
the old man's tea shop still crowded
with people
with children
withe smell of tea, biscuits, cakes, chocolates
and also laughs.

Someone told
he had no children,
no wife,
 none to care and listen his griefs.

I just smiled.
What to worry and for whom to worry... I thought.

I entered the tea shop
the old man's tea shop.

Image result for tea-shop, images

Friday, 21 April 2017

Image result for silence image
Silence and life
Your silence
I don't know why,
more creative
and full of passions.
Have you ever tried to paint it in leisure?
It is up to you...
I have poured colors over my painting of silence
and chosen a word to name it.
Do you know
What this word is?
The word is "life".

When I will be no where around you,
in your loneliness
my painting will give you love and care
to endure.
to endure the passing of pain and moments.
I am not philosopher truly,
I love life and silence.
(c) Ms Sarojini Pattayat.

Saturday, 15 April 2017

Amazing bird

In my personal opinion
It was there...
over the second branch of the amla plant,
in my little garden.
Do you know?
It was phoenix,
my bird of amazing strength,
my bird that reads my thought
my bird that remains invisible
and my bird that comes to my sight whenever I want it to be visible.

I offered it the smell of jack fruits and mangoes ,
It neatly inhaled
and sang the song of heaven.

I felt peace everywhere.
It then flied away spreading its gorgeous wings.


~writing a book!
not easy really~
In paper,
In computer,
To be famous...
To recall in liesure....
To be crazy...
To draw a new map...
To meet your amazing characters. ..
To know what is in the depth...
Thinking job is truly amazing. It will take you everywhere.
At the end I can say " writer writes to discover a new world."
~happy writing ~

The chirps

 Listened the chirps of morning birds, waked up, life seemed easy... Life of a writer is not  easy. Writing is hard. Self doubts will make y...