Wednesday, 31 August 2016

under the pressure of sighs
 the feelings of immaturity
still running after
in this mysterious path of life.
life always
shows you a different picture
 beyond your own imagination.
only one question hovers around...
'when will you learn?'
Sometime whole world want you to resist your own psychological feelings and give little space to yourself for self realization.
And the truth is no one ever in this earth is immortal.
Money always plays a major role to give a shape to your personality among many things

Monday, 29 August 2016

Autism spectrum disorder(ASD) debar the person concerned to behave normally. They face difficulties in social interaction, communication. Still they are focused people and sometime excel in many sphere like writing, painting etc. By proper training they can live without any help in some cases. It differs from person to person according to their behavior and acceptance of training .

Thursday, 25 August 2016

If I will be silent,
 you will  feel your fault
and  time and again
will go outside of this changing world.
 If I will sing a song,
you will do your job peacefully...
and this is the  life
how we both are walking
hand in hand
to envelop our passion.

Tuesday, 23 August 2016


It was beyond my thought, how I discovered her, the moss lady, a statue not far from my stone garden.
Somebody told, it as the statue of ten thousand years, when intelligence and philosophy sprouted in the mind of philosopher's land of the new earth.
In my dream no one was their except the moss lady to disturb. I meet Arpita in her Office chamber. She was inside the grey world of files and had no time for a little smile. I compared her with the moss lady and again discovered her inside Arpita, who is disciplined in the eyes of the society. A good wife, excellent mother, loving daughter and a disciplined working woman, definitely the sole bearer of torch light in the developing civilisation.
-Arpita, pl look at me.
- yes
- let us smile and run after butterfly...
- are you mad?
- no
- then?
- I want to see the smile in your lips.
- Smile! We are now in our ripe age. What people around will feel?
I returned with the sighs. Moss already enveloped her to live a life.
a dragon fly

I am not at all interested to write memoir. Revealing the truth …Ah! it is horrible. May be some truth will make you the bad man. Often I think what blocks people not to endure the truth, while whole universe is full of good and bad.

Hey… it is too psychological. Rather, I should write a story of dragon flies, colorful and amazing.

One day with Priya I was on the fifth floor of the office building. Her work place was not so comfortable in the summer, but in rainy day it turns into a magical place to enjoy and get revelation. After sipping tea I looked outside the window. Some dragon flies were flying there to bring the memory of my childhood.

‘’Priya, do you know, I have deep relation with these dragon flies.’

‘Is it true. I also have their memory.’

‘The universal truth is, each one of us have a story to tell about dragon flies.’

‘ Yes, you are right. Let us write about them.’

‘You mean a memory.’

‘No, I mean a story with truth.’

I brought a white colour drawing paper and draw a dragon fly there with the smiling lips of a girl of seven years old. Then I wrote a haiku.

an angel

over the soft palm
a dragon fly
I gifted it to Priya. She laughed like a seven years old girl.I was unveiling my childhood…how amazing it was…dancing like a stream over hard rock of reality

Monday, 22 August 2016

enveloping the feelings in my heart
my tongue sang the song of sweetness
and blocked tears in the eyes
to unveil the glory of agony in liesure

how to write... 

leaving all dream outside the garden of thought
focusing on the spell ' how to write...'
engrossed the soul each day to wake up and sleep
inside the boring net of ' how to write'

if this will be the fate of a soul with great wish to be a writer,
century will pass, civilisation just burst and fade away
with smiling mock
the soul will never be a writer.

amid the swirling passion
the path here is the moments of glory,
open to all
for taking a generous flight,
may be a minute is enough in the coffee house
or under the shadow of coconut tree
enough is there in the chirping nature
to look and paint your canvas with pleasurable colours,
none here to break your cosmic dance
you are welcome for deep penance...

now you discover your heart bleeding
the creativity
a friend like,
for your pleasure and deserted silence.

Saturday, 20 August 2016

You have to plan your own life.
This is the only way for a safe future.

Friday, 19 August 2016

It is not the fear that makes you inferior before other. It is your own shyness.Look at my work and dream to be a writer. One can never be a writer without writing. Day dreaming can not make you a writer. Just write what you want to write in your leisure. You will discover yourself by writing and one day really reward yourself to know that really you  have much more like each one to present before the world.
So, be happy.

Wednesday, 17 August 2016

second mistake is your decision.
so, be brave...
book is the best friend to advice
and history is the best...may be your own history
it will show you the path and future will certainly welcome you.

Thursday, 11 August 2016

we have good feelings and bad feelings
good feelings to walk a step ahead and bad feelings to shed tear in some corner.
however, we feel and that is our fate to know good and bad
our enduring capacity is more important in all feelings
let us end the bitterness to unveil joy

Tuesday, 9 August 2016

what is in name? you can give any name for any character without deep thought. writing is the rhythms of your life. look and write ...the only option in your hand to be a writer.

Saturday, 6 August 2016

Even in your gloom you can go ahead with your unique thought to create your own world and live there with rich thoughts. only you have to leave your pride and accept the joy around you to catch the positive thoughts from the dark negatives. you can only have the glimpses of stars in deep darkness. so, in your trouble you can feel the strength of escapes and catch them without second thought to escape the hurdles. you will be unique winner to smell the smile.

Friday, 5 August 2016

finding a space for writing is always hard for a writer who has day job.
and the person who works in home  and  in office is the song of melancholy.
 where the space and time to paint the creativity dancing in the mind and capturing the heart?
 one moment and one line can never satisfy the thirst.
only little satisfaction to argue for the modern art may not be a classic.

one line...
the girl is after the butterfly from so many years...
never she caught it and pursued  it with lullaby to be her friend...
the day became cloudy and night were with dread dreams...

no time to make it a great story except lonely whispers wandering how the novel can reach to the reader or touch the climax and slowly look the ending point.
begin and end points are close to each other like best friend ever in this world as everything is a circle.

still time plays a great role.
 kill the time, time will definitely kill you.

still thinking as mortal will bring smile in the gloomy air and encourages to look at the rain with the song ' ah! its beautiful to dance like nature...'

 the same hurdle
space and time for writing
and the sorrowful thought ' how to write'
is enough to kill the writer.

open your window and let creativity enter...
my moral for the day.
good day

Thursday, 4 August 2016

what is present will be past within no time.
in the given period you have to plan your time.
behind the glass window
it was raining cats and dog,
 the mind had its freedom to move anywhere.
I just meet my friend writing her new novel with serious mood,
and I talked with her in mobile phone.
she told,
' whether I am free to move physically and wet in the rain'
I replied 'no'.
she laughed a lot and invited me  to have a cup of tea in her philosophical chamber of discoveries.
I could not resist myself and went. we shared tea with a jolly mood looking outside the dance of dragonfly.
the essence of the day was very philosophical really.
'freedom within  and outside with rules and regulations of society and without such rules'.

now yes, that present is already past and a thing to remember and smile.

Wednesday, 3 August 2016

It is easy to remain silent...
let burden make chaos and pass away...
change is the soul of life...
wait and see what time want to gift you...
don't be panic
as everything will go away with the time.
have faith in yourself
and step forward.
recognize your goal
and utilise the opportunity...
worship time
time is money...

Tuesday, 2 August 2016

universe is in you

its not a thing to be worried,
or say the environment was not so amusing,
its usual
time will pass away with little touch
passionate or ordinary to discuss.
in the cloudy evening
the pitter pattar sound is the only song
to share and celebrate...
let mind flew away and feel the touch of unseen horizon.

at best I can say with vow,
you are not alone
as universe is in you...

Monday, 1 August 2016

writing letter is an art.
 today I wrote a letter to my writer friend.
she is excited to get it.
 may be after two or three days she will receive it.
it is a discovery to feel  a beautiful path
 that is in present scenario useless for so many.
 during writing I experienced
 the talk and arguments
 between my heart and mind.
 smile normally danced on my lips.
suddenly I felt myself in the age of my school days.
 I deeply felt the rhythms and voice of
joys and sorrows.
 new awakening I experienced.
 writing letter is better than writing diary.

The chirps

 Listened the chirps of morning birds, waked up, life seemed easy... Life of a writer is not  easy. Writing is hard. Self doubts will make y...