Saturday, 19 March 2016

Pressure makes a man perfect

I was in my office chamber, fully depending on my subordinates, without any pressure, thinking that, I am in the right path. But, depending upon the subordinate remains in the book of fool. You have to learn  and master the business yourself and face the hurdles. My higher authority wanted me to give a presentation  within one hour. I had no way. I prepared the document myself and presented  that in the meeting. It was not perfect, yet it satisfied my authority that I did the job in right time.

So, may be your subordinates are intelligent and have ability to help you, you should develop yourself to run and win.

Friday, 18 March 2016

Your life is your mirror, your own creation.
Have confidence
make your life what you really want.

Thursday, 17 March 2016

If I am Your Lover

In the moonlit night
I waited you...
I wish you are there
to love me,
My love.
In each season
I want your
passionate presence,
I want you
very close to my heart
My love.
With the rhythmic steps of life
We are flowing with grieves and joys
Can we ever discussed
our love to each other?
My love...
I am waiting you
for my last sigh
and for my last dream
to gift you....

Wednesday, 16 March 2016

A girl was there with lots of dream in her eyes to live a successful life. She was looking at the nature with her dreamy eyes, had passion to mingle in it.
what really she got?
You can unveil, if you really walk hand in hand with me.Let us explore the world with that girl. Let us bless her to achieve and live a successful life.
Mastering an Art

The cobbler
in his tiny cabin, amid new and old shoes,
within the smell, he usually tolerated from years
mastering the art
without any more reward
smiling like a child after reaching the finishing point of the day.
His smile can be felt as blessings.
He will sleep in his small room with bliss
to have the strength for the next day.

Mastering the art ...
for the purest smile,
is not a child's play.
To be a master
deadly struggle is the only way.

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

On writing poetry

Writing poetry is the way to have bliss. It is the most interesting section of literature. It will teach to look life differently. it is one kind of penance. A poet has ability to see the bliss in very bad situation. So, write poem or read them to get the solutions of life.

my office chamber
coolness embracing the spring
when window slides

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

...knowing you
is not a miracle,
a pause to inhale your beauty...

Bikash opened the door with anxiety and found Payal there with her dreamy eyes. He shocked and gazed with fool like gesture.

"-Don't you want me to enter into your cool laboratory. "little satire was in her weaver voice.

The chirps

 Listened the chirps of morning birds, waked up, life seemed easy... Life of a writer is not  easy. Writing is hard. Self doubts will make y...